Top 10 statusuri in engleza

Top 10 statusuri in engleza

Top 10 statusuri in engleza

1. We have to look for the facts, not words (trebuie sa ne uitam la fapte, nu la vorbe)

2. Don’t be sad, don’t be blue..Frankenstein was ugly too (nu fi trist, nu fi suparat, si Frankentein era urat)

3. He who laughs last, laughs best! But he who laughs first , sees the point (cel care rade la urma , rade mai bine! Dar cel care rade primul,intelege poanta)

4. To be or not to be, this is the question (a fi sau a nu fi, aceasta este intrebarea)

5. A bad workman always blames his tools (un muncitor prost da intotdeauna vina pe unelte)

6. Notice how you and me are always online at the same time? You must be addicted.

7. If you got this message, I pulled myself off the computer in
order to take a brief break. I really doubt that I’ll be gone long, and
if I am, I am most definatly going through withdrawl, so please, stay,
talk, I will return within seconds.

9. Cute enough to make you look twice, Sweet enough but not too
nice, A lil crazy but not too wild, The kinda girl that’ll make you

10. God made mud, God made dirt, God made boys so girls can flirt.

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