Statusuri in engleza pentru Facebook

Statusuri in engleza pentru Facebook

Statusuri in engleza pentru Facebook

You might be a little doubtful about the effects of this diet, but you need to try it for yourself; the results are real. After conducting my own personal study and seeing the effects, I am pleased to see that other people really are finding success with it too

This stuff is amazing! My best friend Jessica did the same diet and lost an incredible amount of weight.. i couldn’t believe it and had to do some research on my own which is how I found this news article. I can’t believe they are offering this at such a low cost!

For every action there is an equal and opposite criticism.

I just left my job as a software tester to devote myself to this opportunity. I think I have finally found the business that will work for me. The response has been outstanding. The biggest rewards come from building true financial freedom for myself and helping others achieve the same.

I have been working for seven weeks and this morning, I received my first commission of $2655. I was really thrilled as, like many other entrepreneurs, I have been involved with other, so-called ethical networking businesses that promise everything but deliver little or nothing.

I thank the day I came across this program. I only wish I was introduced to it sooner. The monthly check I am now getting from them, after three months of serious effort, pays for the electricity, gas, and telephone. Had I joined a little earlier, it would have also paid for the rent!

A HEART dies when it is not able to share its FEELINGS.., but a HEART Kills itself when another Heart doesnot Understand its Feelings….!!!

Did you see the flash news about work-at-home-mom ? She makes $89/hour working part time. Monthly 8795 $ income from home… I just signed up and already earned 72 $ this hour. It is really amazing…
If you are looking for a work-at-home job, i suggest you to take a look at this press now.

You can close ur eyes to things u don’t want to see, but you can’t close your heart to things you don’t want to feel….!!!!

You are born original, dont die as copy… dont care if sum1 does not like u, you were not put on earth to please any one…. Life is to express yourself not to impress”…

I wrote your name in the sand but the waves washed it away. I wrote your name on my hand but I washed it the next day. I wrote your name on a paper but I accidentally threw it away. I wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay.

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